The First cRPG in the Warhammer 40,000 Universe

Unique void ship
Set of Exclusive Weapons
Unique void ship
Set of Exclusive Weapons
Digital Artbook, OST and Wallpaper Pack are not available on consoles
Contains everything from the Deluxe Edition, plus:
Cherub Pet
Unique Rogue Trader's Throne
Season pass



Set in the Koronus Expanse, a little-charted and perilous region of space, this backwater sector is rife with opportunities for explorers and adventurers alike. As a Rogue Trader, you will traverse incredible distances in your giant voidship as you chart this cluster of planets.

The Treacherous Void

On your travels, you will encounter a variety of Imperial subjects as well as xenos. Travel is perilous in the 41st millennium, even for a Rogue Trader – the warp is a strange and terrible place in which countless dangers lurk. Not always visible, but no less terrifying for it, denizens of the warp will be another thing for you and your crew to guard against.

A Struggle for Power

The Koronus Expanse is home to many competing noble houses and other privateering families seeking to carve out their spheres of influence. Only in time will you realise the lengths to which they are prepared to go to cling to power and preserve their dark secrets.



Think through every action, position your party members optimally, use the environment to take cover, and act in time. Bring your tactical and strategic skills into play. Leverage the game’s deep combat mechanics to take down the toughest enemies using powerful weapons and abilities.

  • Abelard Werserian
    to be unlocked later
  • Idira Tlass
    to be unlocked later
  • Pasqal Haneumann
    to be unlocked later
  • Cassia Orsellio
    to be unlocked later
  • Yrliet Lanaevyss
    to be unlocked later
  • Sister Argenta
    to be unlocked later
  • Jae Heydari
    to be unlocked later
  • Heinrix van Calox
    to be unlocked later

Abelard Werserian

"I am certain it was a necessary sacrifice. And, as time has shown, one that was not in vain."

The diligent and imperious Abelard Werserian was first officer on an Imperial Navy voidship until fate intervened in the form of your predecessor, an eccentric and wayward Rogue Trader, Theodora von Valancius. Now decades later as your right hand, Abelard remains vigilant against threats to your trade empire. He is one of the most reliable members of the crew, fiercely loyal to the dynasty he helped to build and operate. Abelard is the melee damage dealer – he is a proficient close combat expert, able to taunt enemies and shield other companions from damage. Abelard also knows a lot about the inhabitants of the Koronus Expanse, and will help significantly when you encounter noble intrigues and mysteries

Abelard Werserian

Idira Tlass

"The little voices are whispering that there's trouble waiting up ahead. And if you don't take things down a notch, you could be caught with your trousers down. Figuratively or literally, I'm not sure."

Idira Tlass is an unsanctioned psyker and a diviner who is able to discern events yet to come and paths yet to be uncovered. In the eyes of the Imperium, she's viewed as a mutant and a heretic who is too dangerous to remain alive. That is why Idira, who fell into the Rogue Trader's crew by the will of fate, is traveling on a voidship in secret, hidden from the harsh gaze of Imperial society. She has an incredible yet treacherous talent for discerning the future from the faint whispers of the void. Gifted and somewhat cocky, she makes up for her lack of proper training and caution with her formidable self-control and natural aptitude. As a team member, Idira can support and boost the player’s party or use deadly ranged psychic attacks that confound and damage enemies. She's also pretty handy with a gun in a pinch. Idira’s cavalier attitude and underestimation of the Warp come at a price. With each passing day, she is less and less sure whether the voices in her head are her own thoughts or murmurs from the other side

Idira Tlass

Pasqal Haneumann

"I am a Magos Explorator. A reconnoitrer of knowledge, a beam of lumen in the darkness of the unknown. I know not how to fear you. I only know how to explore and kill."

Pasqal Haneumann is a Magos Explorator of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and has spent many decades on the march toward planets yet unknown and systems yet unconquered. He confronted a most terrible enemy: dissent among his fellows, a schism that could shake the Imperium to its foundations. Pasqal stepped away from the Explorators' endeavour for decades in order to ponder the dilemma he was facing. This Tech-Priest is prepared to endure anything for his thirst for knowledge. He is well-versed in mechanisms and is indispensable for disassembling and repairing various devices. Pasqal is proficient in the language of machines and can take advantage of this on the battlefield by giving orders to servitors or other mechanisms. He can also handle himself in a fight if necessary.

Pasqal Haneumann

Cassia Orsellio

"Fear not, I have my Navigator skills to call upon. Statistically speaking, you are far more likely to perish in battle. Oh, I mean, that came out wrong..."

Cassia Orsellio is a young daughter of a Navis Nobilite House native to the Koronus Expanse. Thanks to a unique mutation and a third eye, Cassia, like all Navigators, can navigate through the warp for the Rogue Trader's giant voidship. Cassia's Navigator bloodline elevates her above ordinary mortals, and her formidable powers enable her to pierce the warp with her gaze and scorch human souls. Despite her naivety and fragility, Cassia is a powerful being who can turn the tide even in the most desperate battle. On the battlefield, Cassia can not only look into the enemy's soul to instill fear in them but also use her navigator's powers togive her allies additional strength.

Cassia Orsellio

Yrliet Lanaevyss

"You are amusing, little mon-keigh. Your life is shorter than a moth's, and you spend it digging around in the carcass of dead, malevolent metal. But you speak of eternity and the stars. I like that. It is like seeing starlight reflected in a puddle."

Yrliet is a proud Aeldari whose ancestors made journeying through the star-studded darkness their eternal calling. Having chosen to walk the Path of the Outcast, Yrliet left the enormous craftworld that her kin called home. She sought to blaze her own trail in a universe that would otherwise lie beyond the reach of Aeldari society, and she followed that desire to distant stars. However, new insights and experiences sometimes come at great cost – as Yrliet is about to discover. Yrliet is an Aeldari Ranger – her mastery lies in speed and accuracy, making every enemy die with a single well-placed shot. Also, her insight into the nature of various xenos makes her invaluable in finding their weaknesses.

Yrliet Lanaevyss

Sister Argenta

"The Emperor's light banishes all lies. But you will never understand that."

Sister Argenta is a member of Adepta Sororitas. Also known as the Sisters of Battle, these fierce and devoted women make up the militant arm of the Ecclesiarchy, the state church of the Imperium of Man. It seems that Argenta lives and breathes for one purpose – to achieve perfection worthy of the Emperor's most faithful warriors. She is unstoppable, audacious – sometimes too audacious. The battlefield is her temple, and bolter rounds are the words of her fervent prayer. When she rushes into battle, the ship's bulkheads reverberate with the passion of her prayers, and her allies feel the surge of power. Argenta, as a member of the Adepta Sororitas, is proficient in bolters and flamers and can use them to the highest degree. Her abilities allow her to quickly change her position and lay cleansing fire across the battlefield.

Sister Argenta

Jae Heydari

"I am counting on life in your retinue being more exciting than sitting behind a desk in my office."

Jae Heydari, a precious jewel of Footfall, a link in the glittering gold chain that is the Kasballica Mission among Cold Traders, a woman of countless talents and myriad mysteries, is truly the cream of the scum of the Koronus Expanse. A seasoned dealmaker and adept mediator of commerce with the enemies of Humanity, Jae has earned the great respect of many in the Footfall underworld and incurred the much, much greater hatred of her less successful rivals. Jae will not pass up any opportunity to curb the evil tongues of her enemies and keep their long knives at bay. And a Rogue Trader’s influence is her most coveted weapon – for who would dare go against the business partner of one who holds a Warrant of Trade, the gracious one anointed by the Emperor, and sent Jae Heydari’s way by providence itself? Jae is all about being where she needs to be and when she needs to be, both in life and in combat. As a team member, Jae specialises in rapidly getting into the most advantageous position to lay a barrage of shots from her burst weapons

Jae Heydari

Heinrix van Calox

"At the cost of thousands upon thousands of souls? No. Secrets uncovered at such a price are corruption unto themselves, staining the soul and leading to ruin."

Interrogator Heinrix van Calox is a sanctioned psyker – a living weapon of the Inquisition, an example of the vile power of the warp, bound and controlled by the vigorous training and unbending will of the man himself. Many twists and turns of fate brought van Calox from his Knight world home to the service of the Ordo Xenos, with his diverse specialties and formidable psychic powers making him indispensable in the eyes of his pre-eminent mentor. It is this high-standing and powerful individual who set Heinrix on a mission of his own – one that eventually led the Interrogator to meet the Rogue Trader. Heinrix is a quick and agile melee fighter with psychic abilities. This combination allows him to kill his enemies while using psychic powers to protect and strengthen his allies or disable opponents.

Heinrix van Calox

The Combat System

Experience the new tactical challenge.

Experience the new tactical challenge.

You have to think through every action, position your party members optimally and use the environment to take cover. You’ll have to bring your tactical and strategic skills into play to leverage the game’s deep combat mechanics and take down the toughest enemies imaginable.

Try an elaborate shooting system.

Try an elaborate shooting system.

Get the most out your squad`s weapons. A sharp-eyed sniper can pierce several targets in a line, while burst firing can be effective against groups of enemies. Swinging the momentum of a battle in your favour is key, as dropping your enemies and showcasing your astute leadership skills will unlock special, powerful abilities known as Heroic Acts.

Triumph, no matter the cost.

Triumph, no matter the cost.

If a fight hasn’t gone as planned and your squad’s morale is at zero, give the order for Desperate Measures! In doing so, your followers will muster all their strength for a heroic, last-ditch charge with serious and sometimes deadly consequences. Nevertheless, it’s a decision that can completely turn the tide of a battle and hand you the victory!

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