Pack digital básico
Digital Copy
The full-fledged PC or Console version of the game available at release. Secure your copy now for the best value!
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  • Edición coleccionista
Discord Role
Discord role on the Discord server that will highlight you as a Rogue Trader backer. It comes with a notable status pic that will be shown next to your nickname.
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  • Edición coleccionista
Beta Access
You will have access to the beta version of the game. You will be able to experience a significant part of the game, meet the characters, and dive into the plot.
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  • Edición coleccionista
Pack digital básico
Digital Edición

Recibirás una copia digital para PC, un rol en el servidor de Discord que te identificará como fundador con una bonita imagen y acceso exclusivo a la beta.

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